I, myself, love looking at pictures of other parties so that I can get ideas, or in other words "copycat" ideas for other parties or parties I may host myself. Is it wrong to copycat? I don't think so, especially when things don't ever turn out exactly the same as what you had seen. In any case, the times I have taken ideas from others is merely for the purpose of using their great ideas to my party, and isn't that a compliment rather than a "stab in the back". Or if that was the case, we'd have to pay Martha Stewart "royalty fees" or some other fees to use her ideas and what fun would that be? It's all about saving money and doing this yourself these days, is why I myself love to share things I've done and hopefully inspire your inner "Martha" :-D So on that note, the sections titled Parties will be pictures of real parties from others and myself. Enjoy! You copycat....just kidding ;-D

Fine print: No, Martha doesn't endorse this blog. In fact, she has absolutely no idea who I am. I am only a small person in this big world with Big dreams.
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